Tournament Schedule

Below is the ENTIRE Tournament Schedule.

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NOTE: To choose a different Division or Date you must click on the previous Division name (e.g. +55) or Date (e.g. 28-Mar) located between the drop down and PDF button to remove it and then choose your new Division and/or Date.
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8:30 AMEdmonton Vintage WingsAncient MarinersGold75+26-Mar
9:45 AMSaskatoon 70'sVictoria BloozeGreen70+26-Mar
10:00 AMBear Mountain BruinsCalgary Rusty BladesGold75+26-Mar
11:15 AMGrumpy Old MenEagle Ridge PredatorsGreen70+26-Mar
11:30 AMEdmonton Vintage HawksSurrey SchoonersGold70+26-Mar
12:45 PMEdmonton Vintage BruinsBear Mountain BruinsGreen70+26-Mar
1:00 PMChristie’s Pub AthleticsVictoria BloozeGold60+26-Mar
2:15 PMNanaimo Old BuoysEagle Ridge PredatorsGreen75+26-Mar
2:30 PMBear Mountain BruinsEdmonton VintageGold60+26-Mar
3:45 PMVictoria BloozeSurrey CowboysGreen65+26-Mar
4:00 PMSaskatoon 80'sEdmonton Vintage SwaybacksGold80+26-Mar
5:15 PMBear Mountain BruinsEdmonton Vintage BluesGreen65+26-Mar
5:30 PMVancouver Schooners 80+Victoria BloozeGold80+26-Mar
6:45 PMVanstars TokyoSmithers Rubber PuckersGreen70+26-Mar
7:00 PMBear Mountain Bruins IslandersGold55+26-Mar
9:30 AMSurrey SchoonersBear Mountain BruinsGold70+27-Mar
9:45 AMEdmonton Vintage HawksCalgary 70+ Crowchild WarriorsGreen70+27-Mar
11:00 AMEagle Ridge PredatorsVanstars TokyoGold70+27-Mar
11:15 AMBear Mountain BruinsChristie’s Pub AthleticsGreen60+27-Mar
12:30 PMSaskatoon 70'sGrumpy Old MenGold70+27-Mar
12:45 PMEdmonton VintageVictoria BloozeGreen60+27-Mar
2:00 PMSurrey CowboysEdmonton Vintage BluesGold65+27-Mar
2:15 PMBear Mountain BruinsNanaimo Old BuoysGreen75+27-Mar
3:30 PMEdmonton Vintage RangersBear Mountain BruinsGold65+27-Mar
3:45 PMEdmonton Vintage WingsEagle Ridge PredatorsGreen75+27-Mar
5:00 PMCalgary Rusty BladesAncient MarinersGold75+27-Mar
5:15 PMEdmonton VintageChristie's CowboysGreen55+27-Mar
6:30 PMGolden Girls Victoria RiptideGoldW55+27-Mar
8:00 AMBear Mountain BruinsCalgary 70+ Crowchild WarriorsGold70+28-Mar
8:15 AMVanstars TokyoSaskatoon 70'sGreen70+28-Mar
9:30 AMEdmonton Vintage BruinsSurrey SchoonersGold70+28-Mar
9:45 AMVictoria BloozeSmithers Rubber PuckersGreen70+28-Mar
11:00 AMEdmonton Vintage BluesVictoria BloozeGold65+28-Mar
11:15 AMSaskatoon 80'sVancouver Schooners 80+Green80+28-Mar
12:30 PMEdmonton Vintage RangersSurrey CowboysGold65+28-Mar
12:45 PMEdmonton Vintage SwaybacksVictoria BloozeGreen80+28-Mar
2:00 PMVictoria RiptidePredatorsGoldW55+28-Mar
2:15 PMAncient MarinersEagle Ridge PredatorsGreen75+28-Mar
3:30 PMCoast ClassicsGolden Girls GoldW55+28-Mar
3:45 PMBear Mountain BruinsEdmonton Vintage WingsGreen75+28-Mar
8:00 AMVictoria BloozeSaskatoon 80'sGold80+29-Mar
9:30 AMVancouver Schooners 80+Edmonton Vintage SwaybacksGold80+29-Mar
9:45 AMVictoria BloozeBear Mountain BruinsGreen60+29-Mar
11:00 AMCalgary Rusty BladesNanaimo Old BuoysGold75+29-Mar
11:15 AMEdmonton VintageChristie’s Pub AthleticsGreen60+29-Mar
12:30 PMCoast ClassicsLooniesGoldW55+29-Mar
12:45 PMVictoria BloozeGrumpy Old MenGreen70+29-Mar
2:00 PMGolden Girls PredatorsGoldW55+29-Mar
2:15 PMSmithers Rubber PuckersEagle Ridge PredatorsGreen70+29-Mar
3:30 PMVictoria BloozeEdmonton Vintage RangersGold65+29-Mar
3:45 PMCalgary 70+ Crowchild WarriorsEdmonton Vintage BruinsGreen70+29-Mar
5:00 PMBear Mountain BruinsEdmonton VintageGold55+29-Mar
5:15 PMBear Mountain BruinsEdmonton Vintage HawksGreen70+29-Mar
6:30 PM IslandersChristie's CowboysGold55+29-Mar
9:30 AMVictoria RiptideLooniesGoldW55+30-Mar
9:45 AM IslandersEdmonton VintageGreen55+30-Mar
11:00 AMPredatorsCoast ClassicsGoldW55+30-Mar
11:15 AMChristie's CowboysBear Mountain BruinsGreen55+30-Mar
12:30 PMBear Mountain BruinsVictoria BloozeGold65+30-Mar
2:00 PMLooniesGolden Girls GoldW55+30-Mar