Key Registration dates are:
- 15 December 2023: Teams are encouraged to submit their team registration form to the Tournament Registrar if they intend to participate. A deposit is not required.
- 15 January 2024: Registration and payment due date – $1050.
You must register on-line via the Team Registration Form below. Once you have completed the form press the “Submit your registration form now“ button at the bottom of the form and your registration will be complete. Our registrar will receive a copy of your registration and may contact you if there are any questions.
When completing this form, stay on this page until completed , once you submit your registration without errors you will receive the confirmation message “Thank you for your Team Registration. Our Registrar will contact you if he has any questions.” You can then leave this page.
Please refer to our Tournament Registration Payment page for details on how and when to pay your registration fee.
NOTE: This hockey tournament has scheduled games for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Please indicate in the COMMENTS on the registration form If your team cannot commit to playing on any of these days. Also include any limitations such as travel times. We may not be able to accommodate your request. All scheduling concerns or requests must be included with your registration. Our registrar will receive these and may contact you.
Playmakers uses the following Scheduling Priorities:
- 55+ men’s teams. These teams have players that are still working. Games will be scheduled after 5 pm during the week on Tuesday and Wednesday and Friday.
- 55+ women’s teams. As most teams are from out of town and most players are still working, games will be scheduled on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
- Long distance teams with travel constraints.
- Greater Victoria teams last priority (with exception of 55+ teams).
Click Here to REGISTER your Team NOW!